Astrology and Other Thoughts

Alright, I’m annoyed (again) with the idea that I’m now an Aries. Yes, I get it that the star charts slowly shift over time and that what we see above our heads does not look the same to the ancient Babylonians.
The thing is- Astrology is not a science and therefore should not be held to the same scientific standards as astronomy. The magic used when the Zodiac signs were set remains in place. I plan on maintaining my Bull nature. Besides, I’d have to change the name of my blog! O.O

So moving on. The Magnetic North Pole (not the “physical” one) is always moving around. Apparently it likes Russia, because that’s where it’s heading. It moves alot (40 ft a year), but apparently it jumped a bit when the FL airport’s radar got “knocked off” (for lack of a better term).
Now, I know I said yesterday that I’m back. My friend told me (and I agree) that it was the magnetic shift that did it. The thing is, not only am I back, I’m also “on”. It’s constant. Little hints, flashes of color, sudden random thoughts. It’s something all the time.
I absolutely love it. Between the excitement of job transition and the spiritual one, I am so happy. It is a wonderful, beautiful thing. I feel like I’m finally starting to be where I need to be.

About taureanfreak

I am a 29 year old working in a job I love. I have a host of physical ailments from injuries- seriously, I'm like an old woman. I am trying to find happiness by changing what I do in life. Mostly that entails eating better and moving more. I also love learning for the sake of learning. The quote below is from Lord of the Rings and sums up how I feel. "What more do you want to know?" "The names of all the stars, and of all living things, and the whole history of Middle-Earth, and Over-heaven, and of the Sundering Seas. Of course! What else?" -The Two Towers
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