Tarot and Yule

OK, so everyone knows about the new tarot deck. The first reading was OK, I definitely need to read with the cards more. I know the meaning of the card, I need to work on the meaning of the card in relation to its position and the person I’m reading.

Right now, I am reading volunteers and people who ask for help. I am not getting anything specific for it. Maybe a lunch or a reading in return, but no money. I like doing it this way. While I would like to read “professionally”, I like that I am giving what seems to be accurate, helpful readings (as the people I read say they are). I don’t know if I necessarily am equating “professional” with “receiving money”. Part of me would like to think a return gift would be enough. I don’t know how that would work though since if I want to reach more people I will have to read in a shop and they will want me to make money.

In another month or so, I will look at this again to see how I feel. Maybe I will have changed my mind.


Alright Yule- I have Yule cards (and post cards)! I am so excited! This will be the first year I have Yule cards- not “Season Greetings” or “Happy Holidays” cards. And they aren’t the overpriced pagan Yule cards that have a paragraph in them of info about a Wiccan Yule.

You truly have no idea how happy this makes me. I can’t wait to send these out!

About taureanfreak

I am a 29 year old working in a job I love. I have a host of physical ailments from injuries- seriously, I'm like an old woman. I am trying to find happiness by changing what I do in life. Mostly that entails eating better and moving more. I also love learning for the sake of learning. The quote below is from Lord of the Rings and sums up how I feel. "What more do you want to know?" "The names of all the stars, and of all living things, and the whole history of Middle-Earth, and Over-heaven, and of the Sundering Seas. Of course! What else?" -The Two Towers
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